Skylarc Ref Y118082
Expected Auction End Time: 13th August 2020 6:57pm
Model: Cincinnati Milacron Lancer 1250-50
X axis travel 1270mm
Y axis travel 660mm
Z axis travel 660mm
Nose to table max 860mm
Spindle BT50
24 tool magazine
Inner cabinet 3500mm x 1450mm x 800mm
Maximum spindle speed 6000rpm
Table size 1370mm x 660mm
Acramatic 850SX CNC controller
Spindle drive 22kva
Wired for 4th axis but not fitted
Shipping bracket
Lifting eyes
Some accessories
Chip conveyor
Machine powers up, but looks to have lost settings.
Won't run
Unknown age, believed to be mid 1990's
This machine weighs around 9 tons.