Skylarc Ref V126580
Expected Auction End Time: 10th October 2021 8:05pm
6x Assorted Welding Electrode Packs.
- 2x packs of SatinChrome 347-16 electrodes, each 2.5x300mm.
- 1x pack of Cigweld Ferrocraft 61 Electrodes, each 2.5x350mm.
- 1x sealed unopened Metrode Electrodes type Nimrod 182KS, each 2.5x300mm.
- 1x BOC Smootharc type 18 Electrodes, each 2.5x350mm.
- 1x Weldwell type 28 electodes.
Condition - Satin Chrome and Metrode containers appear unused old stock. Other three packs are partials.